COMING UP: 24th Annual Robin Burns Lecture
On November 30th, 2023 @ 7pm, Dr. Laura Madokoro will present “Sanctuary Beyond the City: Exploring the History of Refuge and Protection in North America, 1850 – present”.
Based on Dr. Laura Madokoro’s forthcoming publication on this topic, the lecture explores a number of historic sanctuary cases that connected the city of Montreal with events in the Eastern Townships in the late nineteenth century to explore the shifting dynamics around the provision of refuge.
Given contemporary debates about asylum and refuge, and the recent 13-month sanctuary case involving Rodriguez-Flores family provided by Plymouth-Trinity United Church in Sherbrooke, this lecture teases out the shifts from covert to public forms of sanctuary to elaborate what is at stake in any discussion of refuge and hospitality in the present.
This FREE event will be offered in a hybrid format. No registration required.
To attend in-person: Join us in the Cleghorn Room on the 2nd floor of McGreer Hall on the Bishop’s University campus (D10 on the campus map).
To attend online: Tune in to the QAHN or ETRC Facebook pages on November 30, 2023 at 7pm. A Facebook account is not required to view the livestream.
The livestream of this event is made possible with support from Canadian Heritage.

The ETRC Stands with Bishop’s University
ETRC statement on the proposed tuition hikes for out-of-province Canadian students
(Oct. 31, 2023) The Eastern Townships Resource Centre stands in solidarity with Bishop’s University as it works with the Quebec government to find a better, more equitable solution to the funding of higher education in the province. For 180 years, Bishop’s has been bringing students together from across Canada and beyond by offering them a sound and dynamic education in liberal arts. But the university is not just about education – its existence nourishes the many regional bonds that sustain it throughout the surrounding communities. Bishop’s, through its professors, leaders, students, and staff, provide the lifeblood for the culture and economy of the region. More than anything-the institution is a beacon for diversity and inclusion.
Since its beginnings in 1982, the ETRC is a proud supporter of Bishop’s endeavors in education and community enrichment. We share a common vision as care-takers of the past, and as a resource center through our community engagements for current and future learners.
We are part of Bishop’s community and acknowledge that the policy changes currently proposed by the government are simply not designed for a small, regional university such as ours. A huge increase in tuition fees for students coming from other parts of Canada will be too much of a financial burden to bear for most. With a potential loss of 30% of its students, the university will suffer devastating damages.
The ETRC is part of the fabric of Bishop’s University and Bishop’s is integral to the foundations of this community and the province. We are partners with Bishop’s as it continues to offer students the academic skills and French-language training they need for their future contributions to Quebec society and elsewhere.