

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Previous issues

  • Current issue - JETS 40
  • JETS 39 - 30
  • JETS 29 - 20
  • JETS 19 - 10
  • JETS 9 - 1

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies


Editors’ Note

Christopher Kirkey and Cheryl Gosselin


Un grand historien nous a quittés : Jean-Pierre Kesteman (1939–2016)

Guy Laperrière

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Spring 2016

Editors’ Note

Christopher Kirkey and Cheryl Gosselin

Editors’ Note

Christopher Kirkey and Cheryl Gosselin


Marie-Paule LaBrèque (1920–2016): An early collaborator to the Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Monique Nadeau-Saumier


Townships Theatres: Identities and Circuits 1935–1982

Erin Hurley

F.S. Coburn’s Antimodern-Modern Landscape Paintings of Quebec Loggers in the Eastern Townships

Caroline Beaudoin

Trame historique du textile à Coaticook (1871 à nos jours)

François Thierry Toé

Meeting the Challenge of Diversity in Health: The Networking and Partnership Approach of Quebec’s English-speaking Minority

Joanne Pocock

« I am not a Francophone » : Les choix identitaires et les discours de jeunes qui s’associent à une minorité forte

Cynthia Groff, Annie Pilote and Karine Vieux-Fort


Snapshots of Quebec’s Eastern Townships in the Early 20th Century: The Herbert Derick Collection

Jody Robinson

From the Outer Hebrides to the Eastern Townships of Canada in the Nineteenth Century

Margaret Bennett

Quebec Past & Present

Fall 2015

Editor's Note

Christopher Kirkey and Cheryl Gosselin

The Emergent Local Food System in the Eastern Townships

Darren Bardati

Agritourism Marketing Strategies: A Comparative Study of Apple Orchards in Southern Quebec and Northeastern New York/Vermont

Lise Héroux

English-Speaking Quebecers: Identity at the Borders of Belonging

Cheryl Gosselin

Collective Impact in Progress: Collaborative Approaches to Addressing Minority Language Community Vitality in the Eastern Townships

Rachel Hunting

The James Bay Northern Quebec Agreement

Mackenzie Kirkey

Archives: The Jenks Family of Coaticook

Jody Robinson

Notes on Contributors

Higher Education in the Eastern Townships

Spring 2015

Editor's Note

Claude Charpentier

Preaching What We Practice: How Institutional Culture Supports Quality Teaching

Jessica Riddell and Corinne A. Haigh

Commentary: Further Explorations of Institutional Culture

Julie Timmermans and Donna Ellis

La formation à l’enseignement à l’université : l’expérience du Microprogramme de troisième cycle en pédagogie de l’enseignement supérieur

Denis Bédard et Mélanie Cabana

Commentaire: Quelle place et quelle légitimité pour la pédagogie universitaire ?

Jean Horvais

Plato and the Future of Education

Jamie Crooks

Commentary: Building Communities, not only Lives, of Faith and Love

Royal Orr

Trois grandes familles de parlementaires issues des Cantons-de-l’Est

Jacques Gagnon

Notes on Contributors

Quebec Past & Present 2

Fall 2014

Editor's Note

Christopher Kirkey and Cheryl Gosselin

Multicultural Common Spaces and the Negotiation of Belonging: The English-Speaking Communities of Quebec and the Integration of Newcomers

Cheryl Gosselin and Amanda Pichette

History is a Treasure Chest: Theorizing a Metaphorical Tool for Initiating Teachers to History and Opening up Possibilities of Change for English-Speaking Youth in Quebec

Paul Zanazanian

An Introduction to Ice Cider in Quebec: A Preliminary Overview

Christopher Kirkey and Tierney Braden

Municipal Political Reform in Quebec: The Myth of “Popular Finance”

Maxime Pelletier

Homeless on the Streets of Montréal: A Division of Capital and Habitus

Maigan Newson

Literary Influences of Negritude and of Decolonization on Quebec during the Nineteen-Sixties

Donald A. Clermont

Drop-in Family History Workshops at the ETRC

Jody Robinson

Notes on Contributors

Religious Freedom, Gender Equality and the Secular State

Spring 2014

Editor's Note

Claude Charpentier

The Quebec Charter of Values: A Solution in Search of Problems

Trygve Ugland

Quand les femmes musulmanes interpellent le féminisme québécois – Débats, féministes, liberté religieuse et Vivre ensemble au Québec

Michèle Vatz Laaroussi and Naoual Laaroussi

Égalité femme-homme, religions et laïcité : regards d’étudiantes de la Faculté de théologie et d’études religieuses de l’Université de Sherbrooke

Patrick Snyder

Saving Appearances: Religious Invisibility and State Secularism – The Myth of Gyges Revisited

Dale Stout

La Charte de la laïcité et la mission universitaire : une contradiction

Victoria Meikle

La Charte de la laïcité : une entrave au développement de l’Université de Sherbrooke

Sébastien Lebel-Grenier and Pierre Noël

Notes on Contributors

Quebec Past & Present 1

Fall 2013

Editor's Note

Christopher Kirkey and Cheryl Gosselin

Quebec’s Minority English-Speaking Population: Identity Formation and Affirmation through Institutional Vitality

Amanda Pichette and Cheryl Gosselin

Cross-Border Schooling and the Complexity of Local Identities in the Quebec-Vermont Borderland Region: A Historical Analysis

Anthony Di Mascio

The Architecture of Villégiature on Lake Memphremagog, 1860–1890

Jody Robinson

Cherry River’s Wetlands: an Unintentionally Created Ecoscape

Caroline Beaudoin

Les effets de la francophilie sur les élites politiques canadiennes-françaises : l’exemple de la famille Marchand (1855–1942)

Alex Tremblay

Extra Border Security and its Impact on Canada-United States Trade and Investment: A Focus on the Quebec-Northern New York Corridor

Prem Gandhi and Neal Duffy

Notes on Contributors

History, Culture and Politics of the Eastern Townships

Spring 2013

Editor's Note

Claude Charpentier and Lorraine O'Donnell

What do “participation” and “action” really mean in participatory action research? Some observations from a community development project with minority English-speaking communities in Quebec

Mary Richardson, Joëlle Gauvin-Racine, Shirley Jobson, Nathalie Sasseville, and Paule Simard

Un patrimoine bâti identitaire. L’architecture religieuse protestante dans les Cantons-de-l’Est

Monique Nadeau-Saumier

In the know: results of a three-year study on the relationship between English-speaking, bilingual and ethno-cultural community groups and the Government of Quebec

Frances Ravensbergen and Sandra Sjollema

Bilan politique des Cantons-de-l’Est 2006–2012

Jacques Gagnon

Beyond business: interactions between English and French through the archives of the Douglas Family, an overview

Jody Robinson

La collection de livres rares de la bibliothèque du Cégep de Thetford, un ensemble représentatif d’une époque

Stéphan Garneau

Notes on Contributors

ARIC 2011 Conference

Fall 2012

Editor's Note

Claude Charpentier & Michèle Vatz Laaroussi

Quand la diversité change de visage! Les nouvelles vagues d’immigration et leur impact sur la vision contemporaine de la diversité dans les Cantons-de-l’Est

Michèle Vatz Laaroussi

L’insertion socioscolaire des élèves issus de l’immigration à Sherbrooke : perspectives transmises par les documents officiels

Alessandra Froelich

Integrating secondary students of immigrant origins in the Eastern Townships: How warm is the welcome?

Marilyn Steinbach

Profil de la diversité religieuse en Estrie

Claude Gélinas & Lorraine Derocher

Capital d’attraction et de rétention des immigrants pour la communauté anglophone des Cantons-de-l’Est

Malanga-Georges Liboy

Canadian Institute Of International Affairs – Sherbrooke/Lennoxville Branch Fonds

Jody Robinson

Notes on Contributors

Quebec's English-speaking communities: a new research agenda

Spring 2012

Editor's Note

Claude Charpentier

Immigration, settlement and integration in Quebec’s Anglophone communities: A preliminary report

Karen Urtnowski, Lorraine O’Donnell, Éric Shragge, Anne Robineau & Éric Forgues

Le Sherbrooke Library and Art Building, 1887–1927 : Un espace et un lieu de rencontre entre les cultures anglophone et francophone

Monique Nadeau-Saumier

Report on the BU Art Project: Action research to raise the profile of the Bishop’s University Art Collection

Louine Niwa

Quebec City’s English Language Voluntary Associations, Their Contributions to Public Health, and Options for Further Support

Duncan Sanderson & Richard Walling

Exploratory community-based action research: balancing research and action for community development

Mary Richardson

From Whence They Came: The Ewing Family Fonds

Emily Potter

Notes on Contributors

Bishop's University Research Clusters

Fall 2011

Editor’s Note

Claude Charpentier

STellar Astrophysics and Relativity at Bishop’s University

Lorne Nelson

Climatic and environmental change: monitoring, adaptation, action. The new Multi-Scale Climate and Environmental Change (MUSCLE) Research Cluster

Elisabeth Levac

A pollen calendar for the main allergenic pollen types in the borough of Lennoxville (Sherbrooke), Quebec

Elisabeth Levac

Crossing Borders: Identity, Difference and Community

Cristian Berco

Psychological Health and Well-being: A Research Agenda for the Eastern Townships

Fuschia Sirois

Stress et Maladies Osseuses: développement d’un modèle pour l’étude des impacts du stress sur la santé osseuse dans les populations à risque

Estelle Chamoux

Un Comté en Héritage ? Les liens familiaux des députés provinciaux des Cantons-de-l’Est de 1829 à nos jours

Jacques Gagnon

L’architecture résidentielle du Vieux Sherbrooke, 1870–1915 : l’exemple des maisons Morey et Johnston

Silvie Bernier

Maires, conseillers et autres officiers du canton d’Ascot, de la municipalité du canton d’Ascot et de la municipalité d’Ascot (1841–2001)

Jean-Marie Dubois & Gérard Coté

Through the Looking Glass : One Hundred Years of Women’s History in the Eastern Townships

Chloë Southam

Book review: G. Laperrière, Les Cantons-de-l’Est

Recensé par Jean-Pierre Kesteman

Note on Contributors

Quebec's English-speaking communities: current issues & future trends

Spring 2011

Guest Editors’ Note

Cheryl Gosselin & Lorraine O'Donnell

Identification des communautés anglophones du Québec : approche populationnelle dans le cadre de l’évaluation des disparités de santé associées à l’infarctus du myocarde

Catherine Drouin, Josiane Courteau, Maria Gabriela Orzanco, Denis Leroux & Alain Vanasse

Availability, Accessibility and Acceptability of English-Language Mental Health Services for the Estrie Region’s English-Speaking Population: Service User and Provider Perspectives

Claude Charpentier, Dale Stout, Annie Benoit, Edith Poulin & Christopher Philip

Les Églises unie et anglicane au Québec anglophone : enjeux contemporains

Sarah Wilkins Laflamme

Towards Developing an “Anglo-Québécois” Information Resource Book for School History Teachers in Quebec: Thoughts from a Qualitative Study

Paul Zanazanian

Eastern Townships Community Search Conference

Donald W. de Guerre, Rachel Garber & Daniel Séguin

A look at the preliminary results of a study on the relationship between community groups serving the English-speaking, bilingual and ethno-cultural communities of the Quebec and the Government of Quebec

Sarah Blumel & Frances Ravensbergen

Quebec’s English-Speaking Communities: Current Issues and Future Trends. Conference Report

Patrick Donovan & Ali Boumoussa

The Availability of Health Professionals in Official Language Minority

Roger Farley & Roger Guillemette

Where Do the Anglos Work? A review of employment, training and educational trends in the English-speaking communities of Quebec

Hugh Maynard

Biography Through Fiction: The Unpublished Writings of Catherine M. Day

Laura Perras

Notes on Contributors

Stanstead Historical Society


Message from the Chairs of the ETRC & SHS

Cheryl Gosselin & Ann Montgomery

Guest Editor's Note

Jean Manore & Peter Southam

Carrollcroft in Context

D’Arcy Ryan

Carrollcroft as Women’s Space: an Architectural History

Annmarie Adams & Silvia Spampinato

Art, Gentility, and Family Memory: Willbur Reaser’s Paintings for Carrollcroft

Robert G. Colby

Helen Lovat Colby et Carrollcroft : le don d’un important patrimoine familial à la collectivité

Monique Nadeau-Saumier

Un trésor méconnu des Cantons-de-l’Est : les archives de la Société historique de Stanstead

Karl Bourassa

Ordinary Stanstead, Extraordinary Lives: Holdings of the ETRC Archives on the County and its People

Raymond Cromwell Frizzell

Book review: J.I. Little, Loyalties in Conflict: A Canadian Borderland in War and Rebellion, 1812–1840

Reviewed by Desmond Morton

Notes on Contributors

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies


Guest Editor's Note

Anne-Marie Arseneault & Barry Edginton

Culture, Language and Self-Assessments of Future Health: Anglophones and Francophones in Quebec’s Eastern Townships

Dale Stout, Claude Charpentier, Myriam Chiasson & Emmalie Filion

L’histoire de la médicine et des soins de santé rappelée dans la toponymie de la ville de Sherbrooke

Jean-Marie M. Dubois & Gérard Coté

Au confluent du corps, de sa représentation et de son diagnostic : L’art contemporain prend le pouls de la médecine

Gentiane Bélanger

Info-Santé: A Brief History of Telephone Health Care Consultation in the Eastern Townships

Norma Husk

The Child Welfare Clinic of Sherbrooke fonds

Jody Robinson

Notes on Contributors

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Spring / Fall 2008

Editor's Note

Tom Fletcher

The Posthumous Americanization of Jason Lee, ‘Prophet of Oregon’

J.I. Little

An Overview of Recent Climate Change and Streamflow in the Massawippi River Basin

Norman Jones

Employment among High School Students in the Eastern Townships: Effects on Psychological Well-being, Academic Performance and Occupational Safety

Annie Benoit, Steve Harvey & Anton de Man

The Effects of Age and Culture on Subjective Well-Being: A Case Study in the Eastern Townships

Dale Stout, Emmalie Filion, Myriam Chiasson, Anton de Man, Claude Charpentier & Megan Pope

Factors modulating attitudes towards homosexuality at a small Canadian University

Mathew W. Bellhouse-King, Benoit A. Bacon, Lionel G. Standing & Dale Stout

Nina May (Pickel) Owens, 1869–1959: English Quebec’s Early “Independent” Woman/Artist

Lesley A. Tarasoff

History of the Eastern Townships : A Bibliography / SUPPLEMENT 1985–2008

Guy Laperrière

‘Home Sweet Home, that word sinks down deep in my sole’: A selection of letters home from family abroad (P173 Elvyn M. Baldwin Family Fonds)

Jody Robinson

Notes on Contributors

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Fall 2007

Reconstruction of Flood Events and Links with Climatic Factors: A Case Study of the Saint-François Basin

Diane Saint-Laurent

Notes on Nineteenth Century Tourism on Lake Memphremagog, 1850–1899

Elizabeth Liane Jewett

Camp Arrowhead – A Social History

Eve Lerner

Book review: White Devil: A True Story of War, Savagery, and Vengeance in Colonial America by Stephen Brumwell

Reviewed by Claude Leclair

Lumbering, House Parties and Fiddle Music: An Overview of the Oral Histories in the Ian Tait Collection

Jody Robinson

Notes on Contributors

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Fall 2006 / Spring 2007

Editor's Note

Tom Fletcher & Jean Levasseur

Ruralité et mondialisation dans les Cantons-de-l’Est du Québec. Le regard de l’historien.

Jean-Pierre Kesteman

Glocal Rural: Home in the World and the Worlding of Home

Lisa Taylor

The Eastern Townships in the New Rural Economy: Lessons from Pan-Canadian Research

Bill Reimer

L’accueil et l’intégration des personnes immigrantes : l’expérience sherbrookoise

Anne-Marie Corriveau & Jean-Yves La Rougery

Community Involvement of Seniors in the Eastern Townships

Cheryl Gosselin & Caroline Viens

L’immigration francophone en milieu minoritaire : portrait de quatre municipalités rurales

Nicole Gallant, Jean-Olivier Roy & Chedly Belkhodja

Néo-ruralité au Québec : survol de la diversité des nouveaux ruraux dans Brome-Missisquoi

Laurie Guimond & Myriam Simard

Service d’aide aux Néo-Canadiens (SANC) et Service d’accès au travail pour personnes immigrantes (SATI)

Louise Carrier

Une fédération : un levier de développement pour l’estrie

Sherif N’Doyle

Le rôle des organisations communautaires dans le développement d’une société diversifiée

Nathalie Araneda

The St. George’s Club Fonds

Cara O’Connell

Notes on Contributors

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Spring 2006

A Wilderness Boyhood: the Lake Megantic Memories of James S. Ramage, 1868–82

J.I. Little

La représentation politique des Cantons-de-l’Est au tournant du 21e siècle

Jacques Gagnon

Irene F. Whittome. La mise en scène d’une conversation silencieuse

Annie Binette

The Flash Flood at Lennoxville, October 14–17, 2005: the Physical Geography

Norman Jones

L’intégration des arts à l‘architecture et à l‘environnement dans les Cantons-de-l’Est

Claude Lacroix

Book review: Borderland Religion. The Emergence of an English-Canadian Identity, 1792–1852 by J.I. Little.

Recensé par Guy Laperrière


Jean Levasseur

Received Correspondence of the Stone and Hunting Families — Hunting Family Fonds

Sophie Morel

Notes on Contributors

Enviromental Issues

Fall 2005

Grassroots Environmental Action in South Stukely, Quebec

Darren R. Bardati & Christina Davidson Richards

Vers un débat ?

Jean-Louis Blanchette

Attitudes of the General Public Towards Pesticides and Quebec’s New Pest Management Code

Marilyn Hobbs Turner

Opération santé du Lac Memphrémagog (phase 1) : les résultats

Camille Rivard-Sirois

Association pour la protection du Lac Massawippi

Sophie Morel

Notes on Contributors

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Spring 2005

Editor's Note

Tom Fletcher & Jean Levasseur

A Word from the Townshippers’ Association

Heather Bowman

Pourquoi les Anglo-Québécois quittent-ils la province? Revue des travaux

Marie-Odile Magnan

Factors in Out-migration among English Speakers in the Eastern Townships: a Qualitative Study

Natalie Kishchuk & Dann Brault

Quebec Anglophones who Stayed… and Those who Left. A Comparison of Key Characteristics, 1971–2001

William Floch

Mobility and Migration – the Challenge to Community Vitality in the Eastern Townships of Quebec

Jan Warnke

Townshippers’ Association: a Quarter Century of Community Service

Caroline Viens

Notes on Contributors

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Fall 2004

The Stanstead Militia, 1854–1914

Desmond Morton

Rémi Tremblay (1847–1926) ; la trépidante histoire d’un journaliste dans les Cantons de l’Est (2e partie). « Aux chevaliers du noeud coulant »

Jean Levasseur

Captain John Savage and the Settlement of Shefford: From 1793 to 1801

A.J.H. Richardson

Un charmant paradis d’été de l’aristocratie sherbrookoise : le Petit lac Magog de 1892 à 1917

Robin Renaud

Lennoxville and District Women’s Centre: The Voice of English-Speaking Women in the Eastern Townships

Cheryl Gosselin

Notes on Contributors

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Spring 2004

Editor's Note

Tom Fletcher

Captain John Savage and the Settlement of Shefford: From 1740 to 1793 (Part 1)

A.J.H. Richardson

Rémi Tremblay (1847–1926) ; la trépidante histoire d’un journaliste dans les Cantons de l’Est (1re partie)

Jean Levasseur

L’Association des auteurs des Cantons de l’Est : prendre le virage de la popularité

Fanie St-Laurent

Dr. A.C. Daniels Co., Bag Balm, and Shania Twain the “Saviour”?

Robert M. MacGregor

La gestion environnementale participative des servitudes énergie dans la municipalité de Stukely-sud

Cédric Bourgeois & Darren R. Bardati

Recorded Oral Histories of the Eastern Townships Research Centre: A New Research Tool

Daniel Bromby

Notes on Contributors

Journal of Eastern Towships Studies

Fall 2003

Editor's Note

Tom Fletcher

Today’s Water Crisis – a Global Vision

Chandra A. Madramootoo & Colleen N. Robson

The Technology of Rivers and Community Transformation: An Alternative History of the St. Francis

Jeanne L. Manore

Observation spatiale et modélisation de l’érosion et de la pollution diffuse dans les bassins agricoles alimentant les lacs des Cantons de l’Est

Ferdinand Bonn et al

Les changements climatiques et la sensibilité des ressources hydriques du sud du Québec

Alain Bourque & Claude Desjarlais

The View from Shore: Examining Boating at Lake Massawippi

Darren R. Bardati

Des forêts et des eaux

Colette Ansseau

Memphremagog Conservation Incorporated: “Showing the Way to Environmental Protection”

Angela Howran

Notes on Contributors

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Spring 2003

Editor's Note

Tom Fletcher

Augustin C. Bourdeau: Pioneer Seventh-Day Adventist Pastor in the Eastern Townships

Denis Fortin

Les couvertures de photographies aériennes des Cantons de l’Est : inventaire et utilité pour les études multidates, et cas du campus de l’Université Bishop’s

Jean-Marie M. Dubois & Léo Provencher

Possess Thou The West And The South: The Frontiers of Reverend Joseph Homer Parker: A Son of the Eastern Townships

George M. Platt

Rémi Tremblay, la presse franco-sherbrookoise du XIXe siècle et le fait franco-américain

Jean Levasseur

Souvenirs d’un Canadien français de la 13e génération : M. Georges-Édouard Fortier

Sylvie Fortier & Jean Levasseur

Form and Function of Protestant Churches in the Eastern Townships: Strategies for Survival

Meredith G. Watkins & Cedric Bourgeois

Globalization and the Single Industry Town: An Annotated Bibliography

Melissa Clark-Jones & Jo-Ann Matheson McDonald

The Malvern Cemetery Company

Daniel Bromby, Angus McElrea & Ron Husk

Notes on Contributors

Journal of Eastern Townships

Fall 2002

Editor's Note

Tom Fletcher

“The Eastern Townships Research Centre: The First Twenty Years”

J. Derek Booth

“Revivalism Rejected: Protestantism in Sherbrooke During the First Half of the Nineteenth Century,”

Jack Little

« À la recherche du salaire familial : métiers, salaires et coût de la vie dans le quartier sud de Sherbrooke en 1901, »

Julien Bréard

“Coffee, Tea and Spinsters’ Sprees: Female Imperialism in Sherbrooke and the Eastern Townships,”

Katie Pickles

« La contribution exceptionnelle de Samuel Foote Morey au développement culturel de Sherbrooke, »

Monique Nadeau-Saumier

Notes on Contributors

37th Congress - Federation des Societes d'histoire du Quebec

Spring 2002

Editor's Note

Tom Fletcher

Message from the President of the FSHQ

Marc Beaudoin

La protection des paysages culturels

Louise Brunelle-Lavoie

Le regard de I'historien pose sur une ville des Appalaches: Ie paysage de Sherbrooke

Jean-Pierre Kesteman

Femmes dans un paysage

Micheline Dumont

Documenter Ies lieux, Ies evenements et les personnes : les archives au service de la recherche

Frederic Brochu

The Naturalist's Landscape: Philip Henry Gosse in the Eastern Townships, 1835-38

J.I. Little

Les peintres et Ie paysage des Cantons de I'Est

Monique Nadeau-Saumier

Une première canadienne : I'histoire des patrimoines naturel et bati, sur Ie trottoir a Sherbrooke

Jean-Marie M. Dubois & Gérard Coté

Flooding in the Massawippi Basin during the 20th century

Norman Jones

Les étés de Marjolaine : 35 saisons de théâtre à Eastman

Alain R. Roy

The Eastern Townships Research Centre Postcard Collection

Daniel Bromby

Notes on Contributors

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Fall 2001

Editor's Note

Tom Fletcher

Municipalities, Mergers, and the Outward Expansion of the City

Andrew Sancton

Évolution du nombre de municipalités au Québec

Robert J. Gravel

Municipal Mergers in Quebec: the Issues and the Dynamics, 1970–2000

Gary Caldwell

L’impact des fusions municipales sur les politiques culturelles au Québec

Michel de la Durantaye

Municipal Fusion in the Sherbrooke Region: the Case of Lennoxville

Tom Fletcher

Les fusions municipales : le cas de la RMR de Sherbrooke

Paul Prévost & Jacques Gagnon

Journal of Eastern Townships Studies

Spring 2001

Continuity and Change in the Eastern Townships Manufacturing Industry

Peter Southam

Cultural Values Reflected in Business Artifacts: A Rediscovery of Our Historical Past

Robert R. MacGregor

The Echenberg Collection - Illustrated Catalogue: Introduction

Hélène Hayes Cunningham

The Echenberg Collection - Illustrated Catalogue

The Echenberg Collection - Illustrated Catalogue: Sherbrooke's Turn-of-the-Century Cigars