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About Jazmine

I am a proud Townshipper, descended from settlers in the Stanstead and Magog areas. I studied History and Indigenous Studies at Bishop’s University and completed my Master of Information Studies degree at McGill. I am Head Archivist of the Eastern Townships Resource Centre, and I have also worked with other heritage organizations in Quebec and Ontario since 2017. I am passionate about preserving and sharing our rich local history.

Latest articles

Fight for Survival: Covered Bridges in the Eastern Townships

June 21st, 2019

Horse-drawn carriages, dirt roads, and covered bridges.  They all seem to just go together when we think of the past.  CanadaPost’s recent issuing of a new stamp series showing Canada’s historic covered bridges speaks to…

Fight for Survival: Covered Bridges in the Eastern Townships

June 21st, 2019

Horse-drawn carriages, dirt roads, and covered bridges.  They all seem to just go together when we think of the past.  CanadaPost’s recent issuing of a new stamp series showing Canada’s historic covered bridges speaks to…

The Rebels Come to the Townships

May 17th, 2019

“On the morning of the 3rd day of February 1839 while yet dark, their dwelling house was surrounded and violently entered by a large number of armed Rebels from the United States who, after first…

Lime Ridge and the Dominion Lime Company

April 16th, 2019

As a company town, Lime Ridge’s growth was inextricably tied to the lime quarrying companies that sprung up in the mineral rich area of Dudswell Township in the 19th century. Although the population of the…

The Business and Professional Women’s Club of Sherbrooke

March 12th, 2019

In 1930, most Canadian women had had the right to vote in federal elections for nine years but it would still be another ten years before they would achieve that right in Quebec provincial elections. …

The king of the mushroom: Slack Brothers of Waterloo

January 15th, 2019

It’s cold outside.  All plant life is covered in centimetres of the white stuff and our hopes of fresh garden vegetables are months away.  In this cold-weather season, don’t you just crave a good, fresh…