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About Jazmine

I am a proud Townshipper, descended from settlers in the Stanstead and Magog areas. I studied History and Indigenous Studies at Bishop’s University and completed my Master of Information Studies degree at McGill. I am Head Archivist of the Eastern Townships Resource Centre, and I have also worked with other heritage organizations in Quebec and Ontario since 2017. I am passionate about preserving and sharing our rich local history.

Latest articles

Comfort from Home for the Holidays

January 1st, 2022

For many, the holiday season can bring mixed emotions to the surface. For some, they might be feelings of excitement and joy, for others, they might be feelings of sadness or longing, or they might…

Tailings in the distance: East Broughton’s mining history

December 3rd, 2021

You would think that being presented with a photograph of an unidentified town with relatively substantial mining operations visible in the background would be fairly easy to situate and identify.  Or, at least, that was…

Looking for a reason to party: Sherbrooke’s 1937 Centenary

November 5th, 2021

As the depths of the Great Depression were starting to wane into the late 1930s, members of the Sherbrooke Chamber of Commerce put their weight behind the idea of throwing a spectacular event to celebrate…

Canada’s Great Eastern Exhibition: the rise and decline of the Sherbrooke Fair

October 8th, 2021

Horses, pigs, cows, sheep, flowers, fruit, vegetables, milk products, honey, maple syrup, machinery, and poultry (the latter including FIFTY categories of fowl). All – and more – were on display for the tens of thousands…

The legacy of Dutch elm disease

August 30th, 2021

In the 1950s, a silent but interminable killer was ravaging the towering elms of the Townships and there seemed to be little that could be done to slow its progress. In half a century, the…

Following the Brickyard Road

August 13th, 2021

For those who have lived in Lennoxville for decades, “Brickyard Road” may already be synonymous with Glenday Road in your mind. For the rest of us, however, Brickyard Road and Webster Siding, where the railway…

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