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À propos de Jazmine

Je suis une fière Townshipper, descendante de colons des régions de Stanstead et de Magog. J’ai étudié l’histoire et les études autochtones à l’Université Bishop’s et j’ai complété ma maîtrise en études de l’information à McGill. Je suis archiviste en chef du Centre de ressources des Cantons-de-l’Est, et j’ai également travaillé avec d’autres organismes patrimoniaux au Québec et en Ontario depuis 2017. Je suis passionnée par la préservation et le partage de notre riche histoire locale.

Derniers articles

An Archival Intern and the Loyal Orange Lodge

17 avril , 2024

By Hailey Swift Hailey Swift is a graduating student in the History Department at Bishop’s University. She completed an archival internship with the Eastern Townships Resource Centre over the Winter 2024 semester. Here is what…

A section of the unidentified Lacolle farmer’s diary for February 1837, featuring weather observations.

Weather of Years Past

4 mars , 2024

By Jazmine Aldrich The spring-like February weather that the Townships region has been experiencing this year raises alarm bells regarding our changing climate – but how do we know that the climate has really changed?…

A group of unidentified adults and children standing in front of the Lake Park Hotel.

Mystery in the Archives – Whose Memories Are These?

12 février , 2024

By Jazmine Aldrich What information can we glean from a family photograph album of unknown origins? Surprisingly, quite a lot! Last summer, the ETRC received a photo album that the donor, Lisette Gagné, had purchased…

1923 in the Eastern Townships

6 décembre , 2023

By Jazmine Aldrich We at the ETRC can hardly believe that October is almost over and 2024 is just around the corner. As we embrace the last quarter of 2023, let’s reflect on a slice…

Oil tanks for Premier gasoline and Polarine motor oil

Kenneth Edgar Clayton-Kennedy:  The Almost Oil Baron and Suspected Spy

25 octobre , 2023

By: Hannah Osborne-O'Donnell In early September, the ETRC wrote about the military career of Stanstead-born Kenneth Clayton-Kennedy – but the story of his compelling life is far from over! When we last left off, Major…

Portrait of Kenneth Edgar Clayton-Kennedy in military uniform.

Kenneth Edgar Clayton-Kennedy : Un pionnier oublié du Royal Canadian Flying Corps ?

22 septembre , 2023

Par Hannah Osborne-O’Donnell, traduit par Patricia Garvey Kenneth Edgar Kennedy est né en 1891 à Stanstead, au Québec, de parents Helen O'Leory et George R.E. Kennedy. Kenneth dit être tombé amoureux de l'aviation lorsqu'il a…

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