The Archives Department of the Eastern Townships Resource Centre is devoted to the preservation and promotion of the region’s rich and colourful heritage. Accredited by the ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine du Québec and by Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, the Archives Department acquires, processes, preserves and gives access to archival fonds and collections that illustrate the development of the Eastern Townships’ English-speaking community. A variety of documents such as diaries, letters, minute books, photographs, postcards, maps, plans and audio-visual material are made available to researchers. Assistance is also provided to genealogists tracing their family roots.

Search our extensive database
You can explore more than 300 private fonds and collections, which include archival information on Eastern Townships families, political figures and writers, societies and institutions, and newspapers, among others. The United and Presbyterian Churches together provide more than 100 fonds. The database presents descriptive information such as archival details, biographical sketches, administrative and custodial history, scope and contents of the fonds, and special notes.

Did you know?
The ETRC Archives Department has over 70 000 photographs and postcards in its collection. The photographs cover a wide variety of subjects and places.
ETRC Archives Department has documents that date as early as 1680. While the majority of our collection dates from the 19th and 20th centuries, we also have documents that date from the 17th and 18th centuries.
Tourism began on Lake Memphremagog in the 1850s.
To learn more: Jewett, E.L., Notes on Nineteenth Century Tourism on Lake Memphremagog, 1850-1899, in JETS 31, pp. 25-44.