Get in touch with us
We strongly recommend that researchers who wish to visit the Archives Department make an appointment with the Archivist in advance to ensure that any material to be consulted can be retrieved and made available upon arrival.
What to Expect When Visiting the Archives
When you arrive for your archives consultation appointment, an ETRC archivist will ask you to fill out a researcher registration form and will show you to a consultation room where they will also give you a brief introduction to the materials you have requested and to the way we organize our files. All researchers must follow our consultation rules:
- Food and beverages are not permitted. Use pencils for note-taking.
- Ink, marker pens, and post-it-notes may not be used as they can damage the records.
- Archival material is highly fragile and vulnerable to improper handling. To minimize any damage, original documents must remain on the desk and separate from researcher’s notes. Documents must not be marked, rearranged, removed from their covers, or taken out of the research room. Please return files to their proper sequence in each box and make sure not to mix records from different boxes because it is vital that records remain in their proper boxes. In addition, leaving numerous files spread out on the tables is not permitted.
How to Find Us
We are welcoming researchers in the basement of the Library Learning Commons (formerly the John Bassett Library). The Learning Commons is B3 on the campus map. The ideal parking lot is P6 and there is a fee for parking ($1.50/hour or $10/day), payable in cash or by credit card. The parking meters are indicated with a dollar sign ($) on the map. Parking rates are also payable via the HotSpot parking mobile application. The parking lots are on the back side of the Library, with the entrance located on the opposite side as the parking lots. Please note that if you arrive after 9AM, it may be difficult to find parking close to the Library and it may be necessary to park in P2, on the other side of campus.
Once you have come in through the main library entrance, descend the stairs across from the main circulation desk, to your left. The Archives office (LLC003) faces the bottom of the stairs, fronted with a clear wall and door.
Camera Use Policy
If you are interested in taking photographs of archival materials during your visit, please consult our Digital Camera Use Policy and Agreement.